The expression “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket” dates as far back as the 1600’s; likely because it’s such sage advice. The same advice is valuable to your inbound lead generation efforts, yet in a slightly different manner. Although you don’t stand to lose everything if you only use one method to attract leads, you stand to gain far more if you leverage multiple channels.

Let’s take a close look at leveraging multi-funnel lead generation to maximize your results.

Meet your Potential Customers Half Way

We already know that the majority of consumers research online before buying products or engaging services, which is why inbound lead generation is so successful when done right. Another fact to consider is that no two people are exactly alike, so you can’t count on just one channel if you want to grab the attention of the majority of your target audience. Ensuring your lead generation information is readily available where people prefer to begin their research, evaluation and then make purchases is how you maximize your results. The top three of these channels include:

1. Blogging

Blogging helps establish your business as an authority in its field and while it’s a channel in its own right, it also provides you plenty of opportunity to share your information across other channels. In fact, HubSpot researchers have proven that businesses double their qualified leads when they blog 6-8 times per month. Three other benefits to blogging regularly include:

  • As other businesses and people share links to your blog, you acquire backlinks that are beneficial to SEO. Links from your site that you embed in your blog posts help improve your ranking on keywords associated with your business.
  • Each blog post becomes real estate to create a prominent call-to-action (CTA) you can link to your landing pages.
  • Following one idea from a content offer, you can create a teaser effect and CTA that entices your audience to want to learn more.

2. Email Marketing

Email marketing is still a highly successful channel for inbound lead generation if you follow these three tips:

  • Build your email list through an opt-in strategy so you know your potential customers want to hear from you. You can leverage your blog, social media platforms and paid campaigns to grow your list.
  • Send emails with value. Whether it’s special offers, downloads or educational material, sending value will increase shares and keep your audience interested in future emailings.
  • Include tools to make it easy for people to share the email such a forwarding link or prominent buttons for social media.

3. Social Media

When you cultivate a loyal following on social media through true interaction with your audience, you are also creating a gold mine for your inbound lead generation efforts. Keep in mind the 80/20 rule- 80% engagement, which means interesting, useful or humorous and 20% promotion of your company. Use that 20% to drive your audience to your landing pages and offers. When done properly, your audience will also share your offers and your leads will increase exponentially.

While these are the top three channels to leverage for maximum lead generation results, it’s important to remember that organic search, CTAs within your offers and A/B testing are still valuable lead-capturing tools and shouldn’t be overlooked. Learn more by visiting our Lead Generation service page.