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10 Awesome SEO Tools to Help You Boost Traffic

by | Jul 31, 2016 | SEO | 0 comments

Boosting SEO traffic depends on the snowball effect and the idea that safety lies in numbers. Your website, blog or Facebook page are not enough on their own.Together, however, they start to pack a more powerful and synergistic SEO punch.

Harness the Power of Synerge With These SEO Tools

SEO tools are designed to help the marketing team get your pages and social media posts visible and above the fold in Google Search. Reading about them is one thing; learning and implementing them is where it counts.

Here are 10 awesome SEO tools we’ve used ourselves and can confidently exclaim, “they work!”

  1. Google Analytics. Starting anywhere but here would seem ingenuine since Google Analytics is the end-all-be-all of website metrics and analytics. If this list was condensed from 10 to 1, this would be The 1.
  2. Moz Local Listing Score. It takes buku time and energy to continually search phrases, titles and terms across the search engine spectrum, seeing how your website shapes up. With Moz Local Listing Score, the Moz gurus curate stats from more than 15 different sources – from Google, to Facebook and Foursquare – so you can see how your business appears online. Just enter the business name and ZIP and see how you rank.
  3. Google PageSpeed Insights. With this tool, you can find out how quickly your pages are loading on a range of different devices. This one takes a little more time since you enter URL address one-by-one. However, speed matters when you want to keep visitors’ attention. You’ll get constructive feedback in addition to critiques. Focus on graphic- and media-heavy content first.
  4. SEM Rush. In some ways, SEM Rush sounds run-of-the-mill. Its helps you find keywords, new PPC phrases, notifies you of technical issues on the site, etc. etc. Our favorite feature is that they also keep up with your competitors’ online strategies and results like their Adword keywords and copy . It’s always nice to know what the other side is up to.
  5. Screaming Frog. If they didn’t have you at their name, perhaps you’ll be hooked with the concept of crawling your own webpages, letting the spider analyze images, SCC, java script, external links, and so on,  from an SEO perspective. Here’s a great video tutorial for more info.
  6. Find Broken Links. We often bounce when we hit a broken link, even when we liked what we’re reading. Why? Because a broken link is to a website what a bad note is to a vocalist; it makes the audience all squiggly inside. Use Find Broken Links to locate and fix yours.Yoast SEO. If you use WordPress, then you must install
  7. Yoast SEO which is the most comprehensive WordPress plug-in in existence to date. Your WordPress site and blogs are begging you to install it. It will guide you through properly optimizing every page of your website as well as creating breadcrumbs and submitting your sitemap to search engines.
  8. SERPs Rank Checker. This is a wonderful tool for bloggers. Tired of typing the same terms in over and over again? Curious as to whether certain phrases rank higher than others? SERPs Rank Checker is a quick way to find out so you can make quick tweaks and adjustments in copy.
  9. BROWSEO. Wish you could see your website through the eyes of a web crawler? Now you can. BROWSEO shows you what specific pages look like to crawlers – you may be surprised what shows up – – and what doesn’t.
  10. Copyscape. SEO efforts mean nothin’ if crawlers think your copy is duplicated. Don’t underestimate the power of Copyscape, which ensures website content (including URLs) is original.”

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