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Lead Generation Strategies: Creating Offers They Can’t Say “No” To

by | 01/26/17 | Inbound


Strong lead generation strategies include a number of interwoven campaign elements that help guide a cohesive and compelling buyer’s journey. Sometimes, determining which piece of the overall puzzle prompts consumers to make a purchase can be difficult to pin down. Was it your call-to-action that did the trick? Is on-page content so undeniably convincing that it won over consumers? Fortunately, defining what worked is a good problem to have, and it never hurts to put a finger on the pulse and gauge why lead generation strategies are successful.

Four Essential Lead Generation Strategy Elements

While every campaign should be unique and personalized to your business, it’s essential to craft your lead generation strategies around a few must-have elements.

  • The offer: Triggering a physiological reaction with an irresistible offer can compel consumers to take action. One of the most effective ways to jumpstart lead generation strategies is to appeal to a sense of exclusivity or urgency. Limited time offers, dwindling quantity announcements, and in-demand products or service highlights generate a “must have it” mentality that’s hard to resist.
  • Calls-to-action: Many consumers are either convinced or turned away by the content of your call-to-action. This small snippet of web content writing is an open invitation meant to persuade and entice, but you’d be surprised how many marketers toss in generic calls-to-action at the bottom of an offer. What makes a call-to-action compelling enough to follow? Contrast (stands out from the rest of the content), clarity (choose clarity over cleverness every time), a dedicated landing page (specific and simple), and customization (unique and personalized).
  • Landing Page Content: Regardless of the offer, your call-to-action needs to lead directly to a dedicated landing page. Don’t link to an already-established section of your website, but instead create an online space devoted to informing, convincing, and continuing the buyer’s journey. Less is more, so why cloud a customer’s judgment by including extra links and distracting imagery? Remove the main navigation, provide clear instructions for moving from landing page to conversion, and keep things simple. Necessary landing page content should include a (1) headline and sub-headline, (2) brief description of the offer, (3) at least one supporting image, (4) a form to capture consumer information.
  • Data collection form: This is where the lead generation magic happens. All your hard work up to this point is done to convince consumers you’re trustworthy enough to invest in as far as personal information and a conversion is concerned. A data collection form should be simple but clear, providing consumers with an avenue through which they can provide personal information without being scared away by the form’s length, complexity, of lack of security.

Utilize High-Performing Content Formats

Inbound lead generation spans a diverse spectrum of content that smart marketers utilize whenever and wherever possible. Advertisement offers and online calls-to-action only scratch the surface, and it’s important to use a variety of tactics to fuel your lead generation strategies across the board. Here are a few high-performing strategies to consider:

  • eBooks
  • guides
  • templates
  • live webinars/on-demand videos
  • researched reports
  • whitepapers
  • blogs
  • demonstrations/how-to instructions
  • kits
  • social media campaigns

Multi-channel Lead Generation Strategies Are Your Bread & Butter

The best way to create a robust, successful lead generation campaign is to use all the keys on your marketing grand piano. Regardless of the message, one note just won’t do. Multi-channel strategies, covering or at least considering the spectrum highlighted above, provide more avenues through which consumers can find, share, and invest in your products and services. Visit our Lead Generation service page to learn more.

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