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Search Ranking – Only One Step in the Buyers Journey

by | Feb 3, 2016 | Marketing | 0 comments

“Theoretically, you could rank quite well for a term, get tons of traffic, and not make a dime from it. Is that what you really want? I don’t think so.”

– Alisa Meredith, co-owner, Scalable Soclal Media

The importance of Search Ranking in an overall strategy

While search engine optimization and search ranking are paramount for Internet marketing success, without a credible website to back it up, it may be a waste of time and money.

And while there’s a strong correlation between search results placement and clickthrough rates, ranking is not the end-goal. It’s only the first step in an online marketing strategy to build your business and return your investment.

The truth is that SEO does help people find – and go to – your website. And if people can’t find your site, they won’t know about your business when they are ready to buy. It’s like spending $10,000 on a glossy brochure and locking it in the closest. What good is it if no one sees it?

Search Ranking is not the end goal

But just because someone finds your website – indeed, even if someone clicks through to your website – it’s not a guarantee that they’ll stay for more than a few seconds or buy your product or service. This is where other factors such as website design, user experience, content marketing and conversion optimization come into play.

Think of your website as a salesperson: Even if you do secure a meeting with a qualified prospect – and are able to get in front of them with your offering – they may not buy. Without a strong strategy to communicate your unique selling proposition and the ability to close the deal, the meeting could be a complete waste of time.

The same goes for search engine ranking: There’s no point in spending a lot of money getting to the top of search if your website doesn’t deliver.

Your website is your content hub. Make sure it is a sales machine before you try to bring visitors in. As Google says in its Search Engine Optimization Starter Guide, “Search engine optimization is about putting your site’s best foot forward when it comes to visibility in search engines, but your ultimate consumers are your users, not search engines.”

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